Today in DeFi - ShapeShift Decentralizing, BasketDAO BMI, and More...
ShapeShift Decentralizing
Asset swapping service ShapeShift is decentralizing into a DAO and airdropping FOX tokens to users who have interacted with its app.
Today in DeFi is sponsored by Sushiswap.
Sushiswap is a DeFi-Native DEX on Ethereum, Polygon, and Fantom, which features the best liquidity across many DeFi pairs such as YFI, SNX, and AAVE.
Besides its multi-chain Dex, Sushiswap also has Kashi gas-efficient lending markets for long-tail assets like UMA, Rune, or Chainlink.
Check out Sushiswap at, or try Kashi here.
Index protocol BasketDAO launched a new Money Market Index, an index of interest-bearing USD stablecoin exposure, initially made up of yVault tokens from Yearn.
Ribbon yvUSDC ETH Put Selling Vault
Ribbon launched a new option vault, allowing users to deposit USDC and earn a high yield on USDC through a put selling strategy while earning yield on the same USDC through Yearn.
Idle Nexus Mutual Covered Yield Token
Idle Finance partnered up with Nexus Mutual to launch Yield Token coverages on DAI and USDT pools.
Coinbase Wallet Supports Polygon
Coinbase wallet adds Polygon network support to its mobile app and web extension, with plans to support more L2s in the coming months.
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